Sunday, April 15, 2012

Test prep 6

Remember the name by Fort Minor is a song in my opinion about everyone coming together as one to complete and overcome the challenges that each other face. I say this because he repeats the lines It's just ten percent luck twenty percent skill fifteen percent concentrated power of will five percent pleasure fifty percent pain 
and a hundred percent reason to remember the name. He does this to try and get the memo in our head and remember the steps it takes to get to 100%. I also think its saying that when we all work together instead of being alone we succeed in that.

Throughout the song I think he wants us to listen and embrace the meaning instead of letting it slip out of our ears. He wants us to understand this so we can maybe try it and see how it fits into our society. This method of working together has been used in sports and its obviously successful for the team that does it the best since they make it a long way and win. Comradely can be associated with this meaning of working as one and not leaving one man behind. 

As a Football player I think its good to work toghether because it brings everyone toghether and it makes you feel like everyone else is your brother. It helps to develop character and also how to work with each other to make something work. At times when you need help you can always look for someone to pick you up instead of dwelling and thats the meaning of the song remember the name.

Test prep 5

The song Pumped up Kicks by The Foster Children is a song about a kid with jealousy who go's trigger happy, with a gun obviously. In the first verse hes talking about the shooting and how no ones paying no mind of how sneaky he is since he has a revolver and no one suspects this, in this case he is in a state of innocence and a goody two shoes. He relates this experience to a cowboy saying how cool it might be to show that he has the power once he has a weapon in hand. Why does it seem that people automatically think they have power because they have a weapon? is it because the other person is put into fear or is it because they're conceited and in the moment of how cool they think they are? 

Secondly, with the chorus being , All the other kids with the pumped up kicks You'd better run, better run, outrun my gun All the other kids with the pumped up kicks.... this chorus is talking about how everyone else has whats in style and he might feel jealousy and peer pressure to have what everyone else has. This chorus is relatable to a poem called "Please don't take My Air Jordan's" since both characters feel the pressure and need to fit in with society. He is telling them to run if not physically but literally since he feels superior seeing that he has the gun. He knows hes going to kill them since you can't really run faster than a bullet.

Lastly, with the second chorus saying "Daddy works a long day" I think he is trying to say that his dad comes home drunk and beats him after his long time of drinking and getting drunk. The character is probably waiting at the dinnertable for his dad to beat him and get revenge. The feeling of drunkness might have a strong feeling on the dad and cause him to act out of hand.

Test prep 4

"This is the story they didn't want you to know."

What is a secret? What lies behind a secret? How do we find out about these secrets? is what I think when I read GHOST IN THE FOG - By Samantha Seiple since it has so much hidden details of World War II that is unheard of. The secrets in this book mainly are described as things the government or specifically the world around us doesn't know but the author does and I wonder how does she know more because shes a woman.

To start off I wanted to know why did the author want us to know these secrets? Maybe they could be interesting but, their had to be a more sophisticated reason because why now? Why should we hear about the secrets now instead of years ago after the war had finished. Hearing about the secrets now hasn't only made me wonder more about The United States secrecy but it has also made me develop a theory that maybe it was to avoid panic of other countries being overpowered by Japan since they had such a big expanding empire.

Another thing I thought about was how come the author isn't a man? I'm not being stereotypical but from research it said most women played roles as nurses and if women didn't get much exposure to fighting in war how could the author know so much, mainly since the secrets couldn't be mentioned? This being said instead of the author maybe being a nurse I thought maybe she was a spy or journalist that developed stories to keep people and countries updated on news. The news she personally developed into stories were probably her secrets.

The secrets maybe werent of the US or Japan they could probably just be her own opinion on what secrets of World War II were and she made them seem like facts. This way of writing is a mixture of nonfiction and maybe memoir so it seems new and fresh , its also quite interesting which makes my book solitary and original. Everyone has their own story and in this case, this is her story being told.