Monday, May 28, 2012

Attention + Age ? No problem .

The History of Love by Nicolle Krauss is a book full of moments that make you realize what it really is to come of age. You as a person can relate to some moments in this book and it makes you feel the memories of something that might of happened to you when coming of age or even now as you're still growing. Leopld Gursky, a person in the book, likes having attention and tries to get it in the simplest way, he seeks attention to make sure if he dies he doesn't go away without people remembering him. Another narrator in this book is Alma , her mom is lonely and her dad recently dies. Both people in the book deal with issues that occur in the real world so its easy to relate at some parts. The way these characters deal with problems can be a mentor to some people but for some it can still not be clear and seem unreal.

Okay so first off let me address the issue of attention , many people want it believe it or not even when you're not even trying! When younger their would be always be ways to get our parents, guardian, peoples attention such as crying , screaming , etc but we still seek it. It has grown onto us as we grow older every year and it stays apart of us no matter how old we get. Attention is a big thing for coming of age because we don't really lose it, we try to get it from certain people no matter the person until they don't respond. For Example, when I got in trouble by Ms.Robbins the other day she told me how she use to pick on her brother, then she told me she stopped bothering him after her brother began to ignore her. After she realized her brother stopped responding she didn't find any fun in it. That moment relates to coming of age because when we seek attention we want the person to interact or respond with us just for the heck off it because you only live once (yolo) and you should take advantage.

How does attention relate to the History of Love? well it doesn't relate to the whole book but it once again relates to Leopold. It relates to Leopold because he seeks attention, even from people he doesn't even know! he does this to make sure if he goes away at any moment, people will remember for what he did at that moment. I like how he does this just for the fact that he's old and he still doesn't find a reason to lose attention. He's determined to be known by others and he doesn't care how he does it , whether it's dropping dimes in a Starbucks or posing naked for a magazine he still seeks attention which can be good or bad.

Attention can be good sometimes but not always, the character of Leopold likes it because it makes him feel as if he's a star. Leopold just wants to be remembered like everyone else on this earth he is a small figure compared to all the larger ones. He himself wants to stick out like a soar thumb. Their are different types of attention the types to annoy someone and get to their head , the type to try to be remembered for something , or just straight up publicity. Coming of age can involve many moments when we seek attention and it doesn't leave with us even when we're gone.