Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Decisions and key roles

Sometimes I wonder how the world would be if everyone could fully let out there voice ; maybe social acceptance would higher and looks wouldn't be judged from first sight, like a book, and its cover. Loneliness can also occur from this. For now judging can continue but, it will just worsen like all the other issues in our cursed world.

In Identical By Ellen Hopkins two characters Raeanne and Kaeleigh explain their lives in a long 565 page journey. At times one character or the others life can seem unfair but at the same time both have conflicts that are breath taking and make you think about life in a more complex and deeper way. Some parts in this book seem captivating and make you realize feelings do matter and they can affect another's decision of what they want to do.

I wanted to focus more on Raeanne's life for now because it's not as perfect as Kaeleigh's since shes the good girl and being perfect or at least trying to be can sometimes get boring.

Raeanne as a person sometimes frightens me with the failing decisions she makes, and it also makes me wonder what causes her to make these decisions?, what is affecting her could it be violence at home? or maybe bullying? The fact that she gave herself up to sex, drugs ,and alcohol made me think that she maybe wants to escape her life seeing that the majority of teens of reality do these things because they feel alone or need to redeem themselves. Another factor could maybe be peer pressure but I highly doubt that right now since so far the only friends she have are pills or whiskey.

Sixty six pages into my book and I already have a theory that is relate able to life ; People like to judge each other even if they don't know that person and it can really have an impact on different people. If someone LOOKS rich they might rob them and take advantage of their possession but if someone LOOKS people might gossip about them and make them feel insecure.

Acceptance could probably be lowered if people didn't judge but for now people still haven't "Woken up and smelled the roses" but one day we will regret our choices.

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