Tuesday, December 6, 2011

The childish book that draws us in

The series may be below our grade level but they are still an very entertaining short read that tends to keep people engaged. The series i'm talking about is Diary Of a Wimpy Kid series by Jeff Kinney. The books themselves are very teen related with dry humor but it still grabs peoples interest and its a good way to spark your reading if you've finished multiple books and need a break. 

First thing to talk about is characters , I personally like this series because the characters are very relatable and face issues that happen in the "real world". Some characters are relatable because they are in middle school and others may not be relatable because they're younger or adults. I also like the characters because even though they may be simple, their decisions are complex and can sometimes lead you to want to change what they did. I personally think I can relate to Greg the most because he's in his last year of middle school just hoping it would go buy quickly but barriers literally slow the year down. 

Another thing I can relate to that I already spoke about are barriers in the characters life's , characters face barriers that are relatable and frustrating that can sometimes make you think "I guess i'm not the only one that feels this way." For example: I noticed how Greg's mom is a barrier when he wants to play games on the computer but she wants him to get sunlight and when Greg's outside to long she wants him to be indoors. This type of barrier to me seems like Greg not having freedom and I think when Greg has less freedom he doesn't enjoy things.

All in all these fun, break books might be below grade level but they still have nice plot and a way to show relationship. Books like this could help you adjust your actions or see how to solve issues like a guide.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Dope sick and the way it clings you

Dope sick by Walter Dean Myers is a book about a teenage boy who makes a bad mistake one day in life and wants to go back that 24 hours to make things right.

I deeply liked how this book felt so realistic because it made you feel like you had done the mistake and you felt like Kelly was talking to you and you were going crazy. I also liked how Kelly talked to Lil J about the situation calmly instead of being intense and making it seem like Lil J was a serial killer on the loose , even though he did shoot a cop but he didn't realize until he calmed down.

Another thing I enjoyed about reading this book is that Kelly would seem like a therapist and isn't scared to look in the eyes of a suspect. I found Kelly's "therapy" very good for Lil J because it made him think about what he would do if he could go back and change the situation so he didn't make the mistake again. I think if Lil J got in another dangerous situation he would maybe get flashbacks of when he was speaking his mind and listening to Kelly.

Lastly on behalf off the author Walter Dean Myers , I liked how he overall shaped this story. He used powerful sentences made with strong verbs to make the book very intense and heart beating. I admit that this book would become scary at sometimes and cause me from not reading it at night just because of some of the descriptions. I still read it anyways and i',m glad I did because it changed the way I look somethings including my past mistakes.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

An Excellent Quote That Makes You Think

Therein-In that place, document, or respect: "the facts therein contained".

Irony-The expression of one's meaning by using language that normally signifies the opposite, typically for humorous or emphatic effect.
Reading Interview with The Vampire I noticed a quote that relates to the world that made me think a lot deeper than normal since it wasn't as general as other quotes and it used complex wording. The quote that I noticed was “The world changes, we do not, therein lies the irony that kills us.” I think this quote may mean that we stand our place in the world and we sit while it rotates but we don't do anything to change or make our lifestyles standout to their full potential. The quote doesn't seem to touch on world issues about how some places are less fortunate but I do see how someone could relate it to that.

I can’t relate the quote fully to my life because my life is literally beginning since I’m only 13, but for other people they may be able to relate this since they have more experiences with life and maybe made changes that helped them along the way. If you had a choice to make a change would you make an effort or would you just stand with no progress to go along with?

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

What I think about some characters...

Reading Interview With A Vampire by Anne Rice I find that Louis, the vampire is nicer than most of vampires I ever heard or read about , I say this because in my opinion I think of vampires as reckless, blood sucking creatures that like to harm. Louis also has to go through stages of becoming a vampire but hes pressured into them instead of deciding what he wants to do himself, I think this may be overwhelming to Louis because after all he didn't want to become a vampire. I think of The Boy talking to the vampire in the room as a robot since he's their asking questions that have obvious answers. Just thinking about The Boy makes me think of sticky cob webs in small places since he's annoying and small but maybe could be a big part of the book.

This book reminds me of a dark humor named "Going Bovine" book since it includes death by another character and instead of sobbing and being sorrow the character plays with death while trying to investigate the loss. I deeply wondered about what happened to the brother because how could he just fall down the steps and die right there , their must have been something that triggered him to go down with such a tumble and die. Throughout the book I had one question that I really thought about which is, Does Louis really like himself? Does he hate life? and I had this one specific question because he wanted to kill himself but instead he got a different outcome.

Thus the characters being different and wide I think they're very interesting which causes the book to get better over time.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Interview with Vampire... *a little spoiler but shouldn't be too bad*

I quit my previous book by Sharon Draper seeing it was very unrealistic and a bit easy. I say this because characters didn't have no particular feeling to certain things and they were very dry and dead. Overall this book was very unreal and boring so i decided to pick up an adult book and read it named "Interview With The Vampire" by Anne Rice. I have to say this is so far a WAY, better read than "Just Another Hero" since the book so far includes suspense,action,and good dialogue which I say makes a book good for me in my opinion.

I'm mainly going to talk about the vampire character because he is unique in his own way and it interest me how he sort of thinks of the world. I think the vampire sorta has a different personality because he doesn't see the world like any normal person would , like when his brother died he really didn't have any feeling and he didn't mope around mourning the loss. Instead he studied his brothers death trying to find how this incident happened without no fear. I wondered why did he investigate this situation so much? and not the cops because maybe he could have done something to cause this death? or maybe he just felt pain inside but didn't show it outside and kept strong.

The characters are fluent and good people so I like this book so far because its mixed with reality and a slight bit of fake since it involves vampires which is very smart.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Sharon Draper Does it Again.

I recently picked up a new book to read and it was by none other by the inspiring Sharon Draper. The book is called Just Another Hero and looks to be a fun read just by looking at the cover featuring bright yellow caution tape and broken windows looked to be slapped on. Seeing this made the book jump out to me just like any other book.

In chapter 2 I noticed a little of the character being exposed with a very stubborn emotion. I think this because Arielle lets out true opinion of a friend named that was pregnant by saying they are fat , and swollen right after the person loss their boyfriend in a stunt. I don't think this is necessary or right because shes kinda trash talking November and pretending to be a friend. I think the deeper meaning of this whole scene was to show a little bit of hate in the character so later on in the book maybe we would see these traits again , although Arielle can be nice she still has some built up anger from somewhere. Maybe Arielle could possibly be selfish and thinks the world revolves around her and that her feelings bring others down or maybe she could be nice on the outside and maybe have issues on the inside. I think Arielle should worry about herself instead of others because if she has problems with others and then a rumor or issue gets out things could get ugly quick.

Concluding Arielles feelings from the opening scene and other chapters I read I think Arielle might keep these feelings inside her and try to become friends with November again since its basically a renewed friendship. I hope there will be some tense situations that Arielle is involved in so I can see how she reacts.